Macrolichens of the Pygmy Forest
Mendocino Co. California
James A. Malachowski

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California 1975


1.                      Summers Lane, 1.5 miles east of Fort Bragg, Mendocino Co.

2.                      1 mile east of Highway 1 on Mitchell Creek, Mendocino Co.

3.                      1.3 miles east of Highway 1 on Simpson Lane, Mendocino Co.

4.                      1,.5 miles east of Highway 1 on Gibney Lane, Mendocino Co.

5.                      2.6  miles east of Highway 1 on Casper Road, Mendocino Co.

6.                      2 miles east of Highway 1 on Graveyard Road, Mendocino Co.

7.                      1.6 miles east of Highway on Comptche(-Ukiah) Road, Mendocino Co.

8.                      1.3 miles east of Highway 1 on Comptche(-Ukiah) Road, Mendocino Co.

9.                      Mendocino County Airport (Little River Airport), 1.75 miles east of Highway 1 on

                (Little River) Airport Road, Mendocino Co.

10.                  2.75 miles east of Highway 1 on (Little River) Airport Road, Mendocino Co.

Locations 2010

 The collection locations were re visited in 2010, 36 years after the original study, and all the accessible areas remained mostly undeveloped and little changed.  Some of the road names had changed and a number of collection sites were no longer accessible because the property was now posted or the private roads requested that you did not enter.

A nice feature is the self-guided nature trail, built upon an elevated wooden walkway, which loops through a portion of the Pygmy Forest in Van Damme State Park.  This area is a great example of the Pygmy Forests and it allows easy access.  The trees in the Pygmy Forest may be small, but they are dense; if there is no game trail, it is almost impossible to force your way through the vegetation.

The trail head is located (on the left) just east of  Little River Airport on Little River Airport Road.

Pygmy Forest in Van Damme State Park

Pygmy Forest Mendocino Co. California

Pygmy Forest Ground Cover w/ cushions of Cladonia impexa on the soil and Hypogymnia inactiva on branches

Pygmy Forest Lichens (Cladonia impexa) & Ground Cover